What If? (two of the most terrifying words imaginable)

Such a small word.  So simple in its appearance.  And yet so very, very daunting. What if I were to give up everything to pursue a passion?  What if I were to tell a certain man how I feel? What if the world we create is simply a fantasy?There are hundreds of writing prompts out there toContinue reading “What If? (two of the most terrifying words imaginable)”

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

I feel that this week’s blog needs to start with that thought, because it has been a defining one for me this week.  When comparing my two great passions in life, horses and writing, I once foolishly thought that horses would win every single time.  My thinking went something like: I don’t have to writeContinue reading “One Step Forward, Two Steps Back”

Queries Again? (I must be a masochist)

Alright then, I’ve realized that in my absolute need to write about how incredibly expensive even writing a query has become, I left out a few important details.  Before I delve into said details, let me point out one small, rather pertinent fact: I have never been accepted for publication by any major agents and/orContinue reading “Queries Again? (I must be a masochist)”

Down a Rabbit Hole Part 1

Oh my.  If I were being less than politically correct, there would probably be a few inappropriate adjectives as well.  Why, one might ask?  Well, let me share today’s newest journey down the Rabbit Hole.  (I foresee this being an ongoing theme in the weeks and months to come, so it will be serialized.) So, to begin:  I have mentioned thatContinue reading “Down a Rabbit Hole Part 1”

Queries, the horror, the horror

Well, let’s just start this off by saying query letters will be the making or breaking of me. I’m fairly certain I am not alone in this belief. Having said that, and having also gone on record as saying that I publish for my own purposes, not to make money, I think I might need toContinue reading “Queries, the horror, the horror”

Writing for the Sake of the Writer

Last weekend, I made a point of just writing.  I carved out a part of my Sunday and dedicated it to simply letting a few of my characters breathe.  Unfortunately, as Sherlock would say: And so for the next three days, I had to battle through my own characters desperate for life and the constantContinue reading “Writing for the Sake of the Writer”

A Break in Search of Sanity

For all those who, like me, are not full time writers, I hope the following can help you in some tiny way, not give up.I have said before that I disagree with the edict that a writer must write every single day.  The adage of “even if it’s a little”.  My brain simply doesn’t work like that.Continue reading “A Break in Search of Sanity”