Writing with Old Friends

This was a week of quite a few unexpected connections in the #WritingCommunity. The most surprising of them all was to find someone who truly loved Tamora Pierce’s Song of the Lioness quartet as much as me – to the point that she drew inspiration from the books for her own project. What was trulyContinue reading “Writing with Old Friends”

Taking a Breather

I won’t lie, when I first decided that I needed to get back into writing, I thought it would just be more about actually finding the time to write. Boy was I wrong. To start, all of the cute quotes telling us would-be writers to just sit down and write, editing will come later, it’sContinue reading “Taking a Breather”

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

So this is going to be an ongoing topic. But I thought I’d put out there what I’ve learned to date, and update as I go. Since the start of 2021, I’ve done my best to hold true to my resolution of taking my writing seriously. I’ve been working on two stories, reading up onContinue reading “A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words”

Another Day, Another Story

So my New Year’s resolution this year (more like my New Year’s revelation) is to spend more time, effort, and determination on the writing dream (again). There is simply way too much info out there on the great inter-webs to be able to just narrow this down in a few simple searches. Dozens of peopleContinue reading “Another Day, Another Story”

Editing – End of a Phase

I never really realized how true the words “rough draft” were until I decided that I was going to be my best, most brutal (and cheapest) editor. I intentionally used a red pen to set down all the parts that I didn’t quite hash out on the first try for a reason. I wanted toContinue reading “Editing – End of a Phase”

Editing with Coffee

First of all, I’d like to start by saying that COVID-19 is brutal. It takes everything out of you and leaves just enough for you to roll over in your bed and cry. It doesn’t break you once in a day, it breaks you a hundred times. So, with that being said, I’m stuck inContinue reading “Editing with Coffee”